Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Just a couple cards....

Well I have been pretty quiet, but a sick kiddo will do that to you. We are going on week 2 of illness. I don't know how parents do it when their kids are sick ALL the time. In 2 1/2 years the most my daughter has had was a 100.4 fever and runny nose. But I suppose if we are gonna get sick might as well GET SICK and go all out. Get it done and over right? Hope so, this is no fun.
Anyway, I was able to get a couple cards made tonight while Kylie fell asleep on the couch in the room right outside my scraproom where I could hear and see her. Kinda pleased with them, I was also able to finish one scrapbook layout and create one more tonight, those are gonna be in the next post.

My lovely Unity!!! "Love you to the moon" I LOVE UNITY!!! Wanted to stay away from the typical red and white colors for this, and I am kinda happy with this.

Another one that I wanted to stay away from your typical Valentines colors. This one didn't POP like I thought it was going to, but I still like it.

Well next up...the two layouts I was able to finish. Thanks for stopping!

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